Legal Note
Alterscope operates as a data oracle and provides data aggregation and calculation servicesregarding certain metrics and other information to retrieve data points that are used by vaultproviders.
When using vaults integrating such data points, the user is fully aware of and responsible forcomplying with the specific requirements, constraints, and objectives:
No financial advice: Alterscope does not provide any individual financial services, including anyinvestment recommendations or advice. The user shall not base investment decisions on theinformation obtained from Alterscope or by use of data points provided by Alterscope. The user isaware of the inherent risks associated with the use of cryptographic and blockchain-basedsystems, is experienced in handling digital assets and undertakes their independent riskassessment. The user is aware that digital asset markets can be highly volatile due to variousfactors such as speculation, advancing technology, or changes in the regulatory environment.
Non-custodial nature: By using vaults integrating data points provided by Alterscope as vaultvariables, the user understands that Alterscope is not custodian or counterparty to anytransaction executed by the user in interaction with the vaults or any other smart contracts.Alterscope does not assume custody, ownership, or control over the user’s digital assets at anytime and the user is not acquiring or providing digital assets from or to Alterscope.
Use of vault variables: Vault variables provided by Alterscope are based on publicly availableinformation and third-party data under pre-defined parameters. Alterscope does not warrant theaccuracy and completeness of this publicly available information and third-party data anddisclaims all liability related thereto. Vault variables are used by non-custodial open-source smartcontracts that govern the vaults. To this end, Alterscope acts solely as a technical serviceprovider for the vault provider. User access to the vaults is provided through the user interfacesincluded in the vault provider’s application. All interactions between the user and the vaults,including access to the smart contracts, will take place exclusively via the vault provider’sapplications.
No deployment by Alterscope: Alterscope does not deploy any smart contracts, vaults, ormodify any underlying source code. Vault provider retrieves Alterscope vault variables forintegration into its smart contracts, making such vaults available to users only after review. If avault is assigned to a third-party governor, such third-party does not assume any responsibilityfor the deployment of the vault. Alterscope does not deploy any smart contracts handling thecollection or forwarding of transaction fees in connection with the use of vaults or relatedservices.
Open-source nature: Vaults operate on a set of publicly available non-custodial smartcontracts that have been open-sourced to the developer community to allow the contracts to bedeployed and/or modified by any third party on any compatible public blockchain. Upondeployment of the vault by the vault provider, the vaults are part of the decentralized and open-sourced blockchain network the availability, reliability, and operability of which Alterscopecannot warrant at any time.